Glenn Harrold

Master Your Mind

Glenn Harrold

I love this guy, Glenn Harrold – love his combination of music with hypnosis – he is one of the biggest sellers of hypnosis tracks and apps and for good reason. These are general tracks compared to working deeply like you would with specific self-hypnosis like you’d learn at HMI. He also is not covert. I’ll write more on him later too. You can check him out on youtube, look for his solfeggios and you will see how beautiful they are. His are the best out there and the Glenn Harrold Solfeggio Meditations are actually on special offer now at 15% off, just use the code SOLF15 to get your 15% off. I have the whole set. He is a good guy that often gives out entire tracks for free, so another newsletter worth hopping onto.

Again, he is excellent and not sneaky hypnosis, but self hypnosis will always be more powerful if you put in the effort to master that.

[I’m currently just writing up this page and will be back with more later on this]